Acrylic on hand shaped board [120 x 40cm]
This is the first painting in a series (Aberrations) that was completed earlier in August this year.
The logic comes from a direct relationship between the container and the contained, a repetition of coloured bands that fill space concentrically from the outside (perimeter) shape and as previous work has done, accumulates the errors of the hand into an undulating chaotic wobble.
The vision for this work came to me one night as I woke the perimeter of my mind acted as the bounding shape to which the coloured lines of light radiated inward towards a central emptiness. I was so taken with this vision that I got up to make a drawing, recording what was seen.
This system of filling shapes with colour has now well established itself as a current obsession and many more drawings have been made, some of which have evolved quite dramatically. I look forward to producing more paintings in this way, both on canvas and shaped board, before sharing exactly where this work has taken me.